Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello there, My name is a wonderful place to start off with. Which happens to be Sierra. I am 16 years of age. I live in a small rural town of eastern Kentucky. Don't say it...(KFC), but yes I do love chicken.

Now this blog is about helping me get to Greece by July, um this would seem simple...but please remember I am 16 not 27 with a college degree.
Most people say why don't you just get a job??
I'll explain to you why I cannot just simply get a job.
Well this entire problem start when I was about 10 when my father died, Tragically shot suffered brain damage then died not long after. Now my sister and I live with my grandmother, now where my father paid int o social security which would soon be a not so good thing later on in life. Any who my sister and I live off of death befits from him. The rules of this type of social security requires that you cannot possible get any kind of job until you are 18 years of age.
Now for most children this would be a dream come true, not for I.
I want and lust after a job so badly.
Even if i were aloud to work, i don't honestly think I would get a job around in my area small rural town of barely 2,000 people jobs are rare and precious.
I wish to visit my friend who happens to live in Greece.
She has been my Best Friend since second grade, now that we are all grown up and I am a Junior, I haven't seen her in 4 years. You see before her parents were together and her father would pay for her coming back and forth during the summers, but now her parents are divorced, she cannot afford to come a visit me anymore. I really miss her, and wish to reuntie with her this upcoming summer. Suprise her! :)
So please I am asking for your help to help me see my beloved friend.
-Sierra :)

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